Amaral-Silva, Nuno; Martins, Rui C.; Castro-Silva, Sérgio; Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa M. Ozonation and perozonation on the biodegradability improvement of a landfill leachate. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, v. 4, n. 1, p. 527-533, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2015.12.002.

Amaral-Silva, Nuno; Martins, Rui C.; Castro-Silva, Sérgio; Paiva, Cláudia; Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa M. Integration of advanced oxidation processes and activated sludge for the treatment of high refractory industrial wastewater. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, n. na, p. n/a-n/a, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jctb.4845.

Amaral-Silva, Nuno; Martins, Rui C.; Castro-Silva, Sérgio; Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa M. Fenton's treatment as an effective treatment for elderberry effluents: economical evaluation. Environmental Technology, n. 0, p. 1-12, 2015. ; DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2015.1107624

Silva, Nuno Alexandre Amaral Matos da(Universidade de Coimbra); Martins, R.C., Castro-Silva, S.; Quinta-Ferreira, R.M(Universidade de Coimbra). Utilization of ozone based techniques for industrial effluents depuration and reus. Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, n. 15(1), p. 188-196, 2012

Nuno Amaral Silva, Rui Martins, Sérgio Castro-Silva & Rosa Quinta-Ferreira Integration of traditional systems and AOP´s technologies on the industrial treatment for the Olive Mill Wastewaters (ID: 1153158 DOI:10.1080/09593330.2016.1153158) Journal: Environmental Technology

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M., (2014) A Review on the Applications of Ozonation for the Treatment of Real Agro-Industrial Wastewaters, Ozone Science and Engineering, 36, 3-35 (DOI:10.1080/01919512.2013.842158).

Martins, R.C., Nunes, M., Gando-Ferreira, L.M., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2014) Nanofiltration and Fenton's process over iron shavings for surfactants removal, Environmental Technology, (DOI:10.1080/09593330.2014.906507).

Amaral-Silva, N.; Martins, R.C., Castro-Silva, S.; Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2012)Utilization of ozone based techniques for industrial effluents depuration and reuse. Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 15(1), 188-196.

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2011) Phenolic wastewaters depuration and biodegradability enhancement by ozone over active catalysts. Desalination 270, 90-97 doi:10.1016/j.desal.2010.11.026 |. (IF = 1.851, NC = 0)

Martins, R.C. Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2011) Remediation of Phenolic Wastewaters by Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) at Ambient Conditions: Comparative Studies. Chemical Engineering Science 66, 3243-3250 (doi:10.1016/j.ces.2011.02.023). (IF = 2.379, NC = 0)

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2011) Comparison of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) based on O3 and H2O2 for the Remediation of Real Wastewaters. Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 14(2), 282-291. (IF = 0.859, NC = 0)

Rossi, A.; Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2011) Heterogeneous Fenton using ceria based catalysts: effects of the calcination temperature in the process efficiency. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 111, 254-263. (doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2011.10.006) tp://

Martins, R.C., Amaral-Silva, N., Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2010) Ceria based solid catalysts for Fenton’s depuration of phenolic wastewaters: Biodegradability enhancement and toxicity removal. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 99, 27-42 (DOI:10.1016/j.apcatb.2010.06.010) (IF = 4.749, NC = 0)

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2010) Final remediation of post-biological treated milk whey wastewaters by ozone. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering Vol. 8, A142.( (IF = 0.540, NC = 0)

Martins, R.C.; Lopes, R.J.G.; Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2010) Lumped Kinetic Models for Single Ozonation of Phenolic Effluents. Chemical Engineering Journal 165 (2), 678-685.( 10.1016/j.cej.2010.09.060)(IF = 3.074, NC= 0)

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2010) Phenolic wastewaters depuration and biodegradability enhancement by ozone over active catalysts. Desalination (accepted for publication) doi:10.1016/j.desal.2010.11.026 |.

Martins, R.C., Silva, A., Castro-Silva, S., Garção-Nunes, P., Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2010) Adopting strategies to improve the efficiency of ozonation in the real scale treatment of olive oil mill wastewaters. Environmental Technology. (doi: 10.1080/09593330.2010.490858)

Martins, R.C., Rossi, A., Quinta-Ferreira (2010) Fenton’s oxidation process for phenolic wastewater remediation and biodegradability enhancement. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 180, 716-721. ( doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.04.098). (IF = 3.723, NC = 3).

Martins, R.C., Rossi, A., Castro-Silva, S., Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2010) Fenton’s process for post-biologically treated cheese production wastewaters final remediation. Toxicity assessment. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering: Vol. 8, A84 ( (IF = 0.640, NC = 1)

Martins, R.C., Silva, A., Castro-Silva, S., Garção-Nunes, P., Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2010) Adopting strategies to improve the efficiency of ozonation in the real scale treatment of olive oil mill wastewaters. Environmental Technology. 31(13), 1459-1469 (doi: 10.1080/09593330.2010.490858) (IF = 1.007, NC = 1)

Martins, R.C.; Silva, A.M.T.; Castro-Silva, S.; Garção-Nunes, P.; Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2011). Advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of effluents from detergent industries. Environmental Technology 32:9, 1031-1041 (DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2010.523439.) (IF = 1.007, NC= 0)

Martins, R.C., Gomes, T., Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2010) Fenton’s depuration of weathered olive mill wastewaters over a Fe-Ce-O solid catalyst. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 49 (19), 9043-9051. (DOI: 10.1021/ie101203p). (IF = 2.071, NC = 1)

Martins, R. C., Quinta-Ferreira, R. (2009). Screening of ceria-based and commercial ceramic catalysts for catalytic ozonation of simulated olive mill wastewaters. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 48 (3), 1196- 1202(DOI:10.1021/ie8006209)

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.. (2009) Catalytic ozonation of phenolic acids over a Mn–Ce–O catalyst.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 90, 1-2, 268-277. (DOI:10.1016/j.apcatb.2009.03.023)

Martins, R.C., Abegão, F.J.R, Silva, A.M.T, Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2009). Integrated strategy for treatment of winery wastewaters using flocculation, Ozonation and Fenton's oxidation, Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 12(2), 255-264.(

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2009) Manganese Based Catalysts for the Catalytic Remediation of Phenolic Acids by Ozone, Ozone Science & Engineering, 31 (5), 402-411. (DOI: 10.1080/01919510903170393). 



Castro-Silva, S., Chaouki, J., Quinta Ferreira, R. M., New Catalytic Technology To Waste Gases Detoxication, Proc. 6th Int. Conference on Technologies and Combustion for Clean Environment, Oporto, Portugal (2001).

Castro-Silva, S., Arzouni, M., Chaouki, J., Klvana, D., Quinta-Ferreira, R. M., Treatment of Gaseous Effluents in a Catalytic Autothermal Reactor, Proc. CHEMPOR 2001, Aveiro, Portugal (2001).

Castro-Silva, S., Chaouki, J., Quinta-Ferreira, R. M., Cylic Operations for Gaseous Emissions Treatment, Proc. CHEMPOR 2001, Aveiro, Portugal (2001).

Castro-Silva, S., Chaouki, J., Quinta Ferreira, R. M., Novel Catalytic Reactor to Clean Polluted Gases, Proc. 17th Int. Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Hong-Kong, China (2002).

Castro-Silva, S., Chaouki, J., Quinta Ferreira, R. M., CFD Simulation of a new Pollution Control Catalytic Reactor, Proc. Worshop on Modelling and Simulation on Chemical Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal (2003).

Castro-Silva, S., Chaouki, J., Quinta Ferreira, R. M., New Catalytic Autothermal Reactor To Waste Gases Treatment: Concept And Design, Proc. 8th Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Pisa, Italia (2003).

Cardoso-Martins, R.C., Abegão, F.J.R., Silva, A.M.T., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. “Integrating flocculation, ozonation and Fenton processes for winery wastewater treatment”, EAAOP-1 Conference – Environmental applications of advanced oxidation processes, Chania-Creta, Grécia, 7-9 Setembro 2006 (oral).

Martins, R.C.C., Leal, H.M.C, Quinta-Ferreira, R.M.O. “Catalytic Removal of Phenolic Compounds by Ozone using Manganese and Cerium Oxides” ICCE’07 – International Conference on Chemical Engineering integrada no WCECS 2007 – World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, São Francisco, EUA, 24-26 Outubro 2007 (oral).

Martins, R., Quinta-Ferreira, R. “Screening of Ceramic Catalysts for Simulated Olive Mill Wastewaters Catalytic Ozonation” MCCRE – Mexican Congress on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Ixtuapa- Guerrerro, México, 15-19 Junho 2008 (oral).

Martins, R., Costa, N., Augusto, C., Quina, M., Gando-Ferreira, L., Quinta-Ferreira, R. “Olive mill wastewaters remediation by physical-chemical integrated processes” CHEMPOR 2008 – 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference. Braga, Portugal, 4-6 Setembro 20008 (poster).

Martins, R., Quinta-Ferreira, R. “Lumped Kinetic Models for Olive Mill Wastewaters Catalytic Ozonation” AICHE’s 2008 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia Pennsylvania, EUA, 16-21 Novembro de 2008 (poster).

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Gas-liquid-solid remediation of pos-biological treated milk whey wastewater by ozone. GLS9, WCCE8 - World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreall, Canada, 23-27 August 2009. (oral)

Martins, R.C, Rossi, A.F., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Chemical depuration by the fenton’s process of pos-biological treated wastewater from the cheese production, CAMURE-7 & ISMR-6, WCCE8 - World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreall, Canada, 23-27 August 2009. (poster)

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Phenolic Wastewaters Depuration and Biodegradability Enhancement by Ozone over Active Catalysts, EAAOP2 - Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes, Nicosia, Chipre, 4-11 Setembro 2009. (poster).

Martins, R.C., Silva, A.M.T., Castro-Silva, S., Garção-Nunes, P., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Adopting strategies to improve the efficiency of ozonation for the real scale treatment of olive oil mill wastewaters. 1st International Workshop on Application of Redox Technologies in the Environment (Arte'2009), Istambul, Turquia, 14-15 de Setembro 2009. (oral).

Amaral-Silva, N., Martins, R. C., Silva, A.M.T., Garção-Nunes, P., Castro-Silva, S., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Ozonation for the Biodegradability Improvement of a Landfill Leachate, IMCCRE – International Mexican Congress on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Ixtuapa-Guerrerro, México, 6-10 de Junho, 2010 (poster).

Amaral-Silva, N., Martins, R.C., Castro-Silva, S., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Optimization of the depuration of chemical industry wastewaters by ozonation for industrial application. GLS10, 26-29 June, 2011, Braga, Portugal (poster).

Amaral-Silva, N., Martins, R.C., Castro-Silva, S., Quinta-Ferreira, R. Utilization of ozone base techniques for industrial effluents depuration and reuse. 16th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil, 15-18 November 2010, San Diego, California, USA. (oral).

Amaral-Silva, N., Martins, R.C., Castro-Silva, S., Quinta-Ferreira, R. Utilization of ozone base techniques for industrial effluents depuration and reuse. Contaminated Site Management, 16-18 November 2010, San Diego, California, USA. (oral).

Martins, R.C., Silva, A.M.T., Castro-Silva, S., Garção-Nunes, P., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Catalytic Ozonation and Fenton Processes on the Depuration of Effluents from Detergents Industry, EAAOP2 - Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes, Nicosia, Chipre, 4-11 Setembro 2009. (Apresentação oral).

Martins, R. C., Gomes, T., Quinta-Ferreira, R. M. Heterogeneous Fenton’s Process over a Laboratorial Fe-Ce-O Catalyst for the Remediation of Weathered Olive Mill Wastewaters, IMCCRE – International Mexican Congress on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Ixtuapa-Guerrerro, México, 6-10 de Junho, 2010 (Apresentação oral).

Rossi, A.F., Martins, R.C., Amaral-Silva, N., Quinta-Ferreira, R. Comparative studies between homogeneous and heterogeneous Fenton’s reaction. 16th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Treatment of Water, Air and Soil, 15-18 November 2010, San Diego, California, USA. (Apresentação em poster)

Martins, R.C., Jiménez, B.M., Castro-Silva, S., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Enhancing Agro-Industrial Wastewaters Depuration by Ozone Oxidation. 8th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries (Agro’2011) 22-24 June 2011, Cesme, Izmir, Turquia (Apresentação oral).

Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R. Gas-Liquid-Solid reactors for environment protection: Remediation of phenolic wastewaters by advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) at ambient conditions. GLS10, 26-29 June, 2011, Braga, Portugal (Apresentação oral).

Rossi, A. F., Martins, R.C., Amaral-Silva, N., Quinta-Ferreira, R. Environmental heterogeneous Fenton using ceria based solid catalysts: effect of the calcination temperature in the process efficiency. GLS10, 26-29 June, 2011, Braga, Portugal (Apresentação oral).

Martins, R.C., Pinto, F., Castro-Silva, S., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Advanced oxidation processes in the treatment of a distillery effluent: Ozonation and Fenton Technologies, 11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference, 5 – 7 September 2011, Lisbon, Portugal (Apresentação Oral).

Martins, R.C., Ramos, C.M., Fajardo, A.S., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Low cost catalysts to enhance ozone action on the depuration of olive mill wastewaters. ECOSTP - EcoTechnologies for Wastewater Treatment, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 25-27 June 2012. (Apresentação em Poster)

Amaral-Silva, N., Martins, R.C., Castro-Silva, S., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Fenton's process as an effective treatment for elderberry juice effluents: economical evaluation .ECOSTP - EcoTechnologies for Wastewater Treatment, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 25-27 June 2012.

Rossi, A.F., Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2014) The composition effect of iron-copper composite catalysts in the Fenton’s heterogeneous process efficiency and co-oxidation synergy assessment, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, (DOI: 10.1021/ie501193x).

Martins, R.C., Ramos, C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2014) Low Cost Catalysts to Enhance Ozone Action on the Depuration of Olive Mill Wastewaters, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, (DOI: 10.1021/ie501187e).

Fajardo, A.S., Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2014) Treatment of a synthetic phenolic mixture by electrocoagulation using Al, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn as anode materials, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, (

Martins, R.C., Henriques, L.R., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. Catalytic Activity of Low Cost Materials for Pollutants Abatement by Fenton’s Process, GLS-11, August 19-22, 2013,seoul, Korea.
Fajardo, A.; Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2013) Treatment of a Simulated Phenolic Effluent by Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation using Pt/Al2O3, Environmental Technology 34:3, 301-311. (DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2012.692720)

Rossi, A.F., Martins, R.C., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2013) Sludge Waste from an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Reused as Fenton's Catalyst, Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 16(2), 298-305(

Martins, R.C., Henriques, L.R., Quinta-Ferreira, R.M. (2013) Catalytic Activity of Low Cost Materials for Pollutants Abatement by Fenton’s Process, Chemical Engineering Science, 100, 225-233 (